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Mokotooth Prestige Dental during the epidemic of SARS-CoV-2

We have been functioning in the new reality for several months. The epidemic status introduced in Poland turned out to be severe for most of us. In dental practice, we have been required to introduce procedures and solutions to minimize the risk of virus infection as much as possible.
In dental offices, as in other medical institutions, exposure to infection with any microorganism is greater than in other places, which is why it is so important to prevent possible transmission, sterility and compliance with the principles of asepsis.

At Mokotooth Prestige Dental we always use very strict procedures - we don't accept compromises in our work! We make sure that our patients feel comfortable and safe.

Mokotooth Prestige Dental - Special devices for the clinic decontamination

What are our stringent procedures? Here are the most important rules:

👉  We limit contact between patients. We have limited the admission of patients so that they do not have contact with each other in the common clinic space

👉  We limit contact between staff members. We have created independent teams of medical and support staff who do not have physical contact and have introduced the principle of staying in the clinic's rooms not more than one person at a time (except for surgeries during patient service.

👉  We shorten the time needed to complete the initial formalities, including using the initial telephone interview and providing important information via email.

👉  At the entrance of each person to the clinic (staff and patient), body temperature is measured and reported. People with an air surface temperature 37.3 degrees can not enter the clinic.

👉  The patient receives their own one-off set of personal protective equipment at the entrance. All persons from the clinic's staff who are in the clinic during the patient's service are fully protected with personal protective equipment: surgical masks, FFP3 or FFP2 masks, overalls, barrier aprons, shoe protectors, caps, goggles, helmets, disposable gloves. These staff are changed after each patient!

Mokotooth Prestige Dental - PPE

👉  When the patient is admitted, a plasma generator operates in the office to eliminate microorganisms in the air.

👉  Immediately before and after each patient admission, the rooms are sterilized by means of fumigation, i.e. the so-called "Dry fog" based on a specialized broad-spectrum disinfection agent including enveloped viruses such as SARS-Co-V2 coronavirus. 

Mokotooth Prestige Dental - clinic's fumigation

👉  After each day of work, the clinic's rooms are additionally decontaminated using UV-C lamps.

Why do we place so much emphasis on adhering to the procedures developed and implemented by us? A sick person who is an asymptomatic virus carrier may be a potential source of infection for other patients and clinic staff. And of course we want to prevent this!

We know from recent reports that we should be prepared for the coronavirus to stay with us for longer. During this time, we need to take care of our health even more. By following the principles of asepsis on a daily basis and using safe places to provide services, we can guard against infection and not expose ourselves and others to danger.